A Year In Review & A Look To 2024

A Year In Review & A Look To 2024

MIE Solutions UK Ltd

Firstly let us begin by wishing our fellow manufacturing community a very happy Christmas and a well deserved festive break!

As a challenging yet rewarding 2023 draws to an end, it is with excitement that we look forward to the fresh business opportunities on the horizon for 2024. At MIE Solutions we would like to thank all of those whom we have worked with and that have supported us this past year, helping us to once again grow the MIETrak Pro brand and further cement our position as one of the market leaders in the manufacturing ERP sector.

So what’s in store for 2024 at MIE Solutions? Well much of the same - just bigger and better than ever! The global ERP market is booming with more and more manufacturers turning to software such as MIETrak Pro. The number of companies looking to leverage real-time data and automation in order to facilitate pro-active decision making and agile manufacturing is set to grow by 20%. We are also expecting to see a growing demand of manufacturers opting for shop floor data capture options as a way of incorporating paperless production and continued migration to cloud hosted ERP over traditional servers.

As we have all seen in the past year, technology is developing at lightning speed, continuing to automate manual and laborious tasks freeing up human capital for jobs that require more skill. This is why last year we continued our commitment to evaluate and evolve by both growing and restructuring our team to create a brand new in house development department. As we look to 2024 we now have more capabilities than ever before to assist British manufacturers and Engineers in this digital revolution, providing not only our award-winning ERP solution but under-pinning this with a world-class support and development team at the forefront of new technologies and benefitting from real manufacturing knowledge.

After talking with many of our customers who have successfully battled their way through 2023, with rising costs of wages, materials, and fuels to name but a few, it is encouraging to see a tale of growth among many. We are rewarded in the knowledge that MIETrak Pro has played a pivotal role in helping hundreds of British manufacturers navigate turbulent waters, and excited at the prospect of once again supporting these formidable businesses in 2024 as they grow into the more advanced modules of MIEtrak Pro. 

We have always enjoyed the opportunity to exhibit at the Subcon and Southern Manufacturing shows, as a way of interacting with many of our existing customers but also as an opportunity to demonstrate our ERP solution and forge new industry connections, and we are pleased to announce that we will once again be attending both shows in 2024. If you are a manufacturing or engineering company looking to implement ERP next year, then these shows are a fantastic way for you to compare the different ERP packages that are available but also just as importantly to meet some of the team behind them

We would like to end the year wishing everyone a very happy Xmas and a prosperous New Year